Category: Uncategorized

  • Prioritize, ruthlessly

    If you are someone who wants to get a lot done, change the world, invent new technologies, help people, solve all the problems, you’ve got a lot on your list. No matter which organization method or todo app I’ve used, my lists keep growing. They’re so large that I come up with ideas faster than…

  • Experimenting with Remote Development using mosh + tmux + emacs

    Experimenting with Remote Development using mosh + tmux + emacs

    Today I wanted to write a fun post showing you how I write code. I’m someone that likes to change their tooling often. There are a lot of ideas out there about how we should write code, and I think being curious and trying out new things can be fun and informative. Sometimes I don’t…

  • A new theme!

    I’m trying out a different theme on the blog. Before I was using Mazino, now I’m trying out Twenty Twenty-Three. It may take a while before things stabilize, please share your thoughts with me.

  • A filling and healthy breakfast!

    A filling and healthy breakfast!

    Ingredients Instructions My closing thoughts This is usually what I will have for breakfast every day. I keep it interesting by mixing in different vegetables, cheeses or trying out different kinds of bread. One thing I want to try adding in are some peas. What do you think?

  • A journey through the the jungle of programming languages and technologies

    Today I’ll kick off the first micro post with something I have learned recently. Sometimes the right tool for the job is the not the perfect, most flexible or even pleasurable to use. I have spent years searching for good programming languages which are powerful, expressive and a joy to develop in, while also being…

  • Starting a new thing: writing micro posts

    Today I want to make a commitment to making one micro post every week for the next few months. I have many ideas for blog posts, and many things to share. But I keep holding myself back by thinking that my posts might not be useful, or just a waste of effort. After seeing many…

  • How to build Emacs with JIT on Ubuntu 22.04

    How to build Emacs with JIT on Ubuntu 22.04

    Emacs is a text editor that was initially released in 1976. It is widely used by many who enjoy a programmable, moldable computing environment. A recent addition to Emacs brings improved performance using just-in-time compilation. This feature is referred to as native-compilation, and leverages the GCC compiler. This post will provide instructions for building emacs…

  • Introductory Post

    Welcome to my Blog My name is Rafi Khan, and I am a passionate human who is devoted to making the world a safer, better place for everyone. I could go on about the places I have lived, people I have met and projects I have been involved in. But rather than a biography, I’d…