- meta
- sorry its been a while since I posted. I got a little busy preparing for a last minute research trip with some amazing hackers
- we’re in full hacker mode in Bali, Indonesia
- stay tuned for a demo release in the coming weeks
- microblog
- I finally found some time to write a self-hosted, zero-config, twitter replacement
- fixed a bug where posts with an empty tag field would fail.
- redbean prototyping
- crypto adoption map
- working on MVP design
- having issues with internet in Bali, so this slowed us down a bit
- a very early demo is here: https://cryptoborders-com.vercel.app/
- car play installer
- working to fulfill customer orders
- no app updates at the moment.
- ollama code completion experiments
- on the flight I had some time to focus, and no internet
- but I had ollama running on my m3
- I wanted to scratch an itch
- It bothers me that copilot is very happy returning code that it knows has errors/will not compile
- I figured we can enhance the llm with an environment that can fork the process, run the code in the existing env and reject code that does not compile
- this can be extended to other checks as well such as linter, styling, formatting,
- from what i discovered, ollama does not generate code well
- eg it gets confused when you ask it not to return a named function and instead to return an anonymous function
- I should look into better offline models for
- reading
- erlang programming book
- bali trip
- got to meet my sister and her husband :), they also happened to be in Bali at the same time
- got to meet my dad luckily when my flight got redirected through sydney
- hackerhouse
- getting to know the 10 others, they’re all new friends for me 🙂
- learning to adjust to the heat and humidity in bali
- got to meet my sister and her husband :), they also happened to be in Bali at the same time
- got to meet
- personal
- lots of learning about myself, what i want, what i dont want
- meeting new people, making new friends, refreshing